Otel Collector and APM for Docker
Docker based APM examples¶
Make sure you've stopped your previous workshop examples and stopped all instances of Otel Collector as to not confuse re-used example names.
Docker must be installed and current for this lab.
Repo location: https://github.com/signalfx/otelworkshop/tree/main/misc/docker
Start in k8s directory:
cd ~/otelworkshop/misc/docker
Create environment variables with your Splunk token and realm- substitute yours for the variables in caps:
Add initals to environment i.e. sjl-apm-workshop:
Make sure to re-export these environment variables every time you open a terminal.
Example 1: Python Microservice w/ Local Otel Collector¶
A local docker network with an OpenTelemetry Collector container and a container with a Python microservice example with a redis client and server in same container.
Step 1: Create a local docker network called otel-net
source setup-docker.sh
Step 2: Run Otel Collector docker container in the otel-net
docker bridged network:
source run-otelcol.sh
Step 3: Run the Python Redis client w/ Redis server microservice example container:
Open a new terminal window. Re-export your env variables from the prep section.
source run-python-autgen.sh
Wait a about 60 seconds and check APM Explore map to see the microservices.
Study the run scripts to understand how OpenTelemetry environment variables are configured, and the source code for the microservice example is here
in each terminal will stop things and containers can be removed via standard Docker commands.
Example 2: Python Microservice Sending Telmetry Directly to Splunk Observability Cloud¶
Run the direct-to-ingest docker container:
source run-python-autogen-direct.sh
Example 3: .NET Microservice Sending Telemetry Directly to Splunk Observability Cloud¶
Run the direct-to-ingest docker container:
source run-dotnet-autogen-direct.sh
Docker container instructions for OpenTelemetry Collector are here
View Otel Collector trace stats (requires Lynx ascii browser):
docker exec -it otelcol curl localhost:55679/debug/tracez | lynx -stdin