1. Install Otel Collector On Host

Splunk Observability -> Data Setup -> Linux

Choose the following:

Key Value
Access Token Select from list
Mode Agent
Log Collection No

Follow Data Setup Wizard for instructions on Linux installation:

Data Setup


Linux Install

Check status of collector:

sudo systemctl status splunk-otel-collector

Should output something like:

● splunk-otel-collector.service - Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/splunk-otel-collector.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/splunk-otel-collector.service.d
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-10-31 13:07:27 UTC; 1min 11s ago
   Main PID: 37949 (otelcol)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 19200)
     Memory: 100.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/splunk-otel-collector.service
             └─37949 /usr/bin/otelcol

Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.556Z        info        builder/receivers_builder.go:73  >
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.556Z        info        builder/receivers_builder.go:68  >
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.556Z        info        builder/receivers_builder.go:73  >
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.556Z        info        healthcheck/handler.go:129       >
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.556Z        info        service/telemetry.go:92        Se>
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.557Z        info        service/telemetry.go:116        S>
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.557Z        info        service/collector.go:230        S>
Oct 31 13:07:27 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:27.557Z        info        service/collector.go:132        E>
Oct 31 13:07:37 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:37.826Z        info        hostmetadata/metadata.go:75      >
Oct 31 13:07:37 ip-172-31-70-180 otelcol[37949]: 2021-10-31T13:07:37.826Z        info        hostmetadata/metadata.go:83      >

Your machine will be visible in Splunk Observability in Infrastructure either in the public cloud platform you are using or My Data Center if you are using Multipass or any other non public cloud machine.

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